Saturday 20 February 2016

Health Insurance by Life and General Insurance Cos

By now you know how the increasing cost of hospitalization and healthcare expenses have made health insurance an inevitable necessity for all, right? Let’s now understand how buying health insurance from a general insurance company and a health policy from a life insurance company can mean two totally different things. And it is when you know this difference, can you select the best for yourself and can you avail of all the benefits you are entitled to.

Health insurance vis-à-vis General Insurance Company: (or non-life insurance)

Any insurance which is non-life insurance typically falls under the category of General health Insurance. This includes insurance for myriad things including car, fire, travel, household, marine etc. But this is not all. As general insurance pertains to non-life insurance, it also includes Health Insurance, wherein a person insures his and his family’s health against hospitalization due to various unforeseen ailments and growing medical expenses.

Hence, health insurance comes under general insurance as the latter provides protection against unforeseen events such as accidents, illness, et al. General insurance companies offer health policies which are mainly short term in nature. This means, that the health insurance policies can be renewed year after year and the premium amount varies with age.

Health insurance covers offered under general insurance, include mainly hospitalization covers either on reimbursement or cashless basis. The Third Party Administrators (TPAs) mainly offer cashless service as they have arrangements with various hospitals, who are the service providers. The TPAs also help in reimbursement claims.

Health insurance vis-à-vis Life insurance Company:

Many of us tend to confuse health insurance or mediclaim with life insurance. Though, both of them are vastly different in structure and content, while health insurance primarily caters to your health related expenses until you are alive, life insurance typically means insuring a person’s life wherein the returns are accrued due to your death or at the end of the term of the policy.

There are various life insurance companies that offer health benefits and packages. Firstly, the health related policies under life insurance companies cover certain critical illnesses. For example, certain private companies that offer life insurance to customers cover about 36 critical illnesses which include heart attacks, stroke, cancer, paralysis etc. Now this in turn means that once a person visits a doctor for treatment, and if the doctor then after diagnosis confirms a serious illness, then on the basis of the doctor’s report, the insured will get a lump sum amount from the company.



  1. General Insurance is not only a business rather it offer you security against your property, goods, office and health. Here are types of general insurance offered by some of the leading organizations.

  2. One of the fastest growing General Insurance companies in India and also won awards for Best general insurance Company & Claims Innovation awards.

  3. General Insurance companies have already planned to launch products. General Insurance companies said his company would file a product in tandem with the Irda guidelines.
    He added add-ons could be offered with the policies, subject to Irda approvals.
